17. Warning Clause(s) for Blocks 26 to 34 (inclusive): The Owner(s) shall place the following warning clauses in all Offers to Purchase, and Agreement of Purchase or Sale or lease between the Owner(s) and all prospective home buyers, and in the title of each dwelling unit that backs onto, or has a shared property line with Wyandotte Street East:

  1. “Purchasers/tenants are advised that despite the inclusion of noise control features in the development and within the building units, sound levels due to increasing road traffic (rail traffic) (air traffic) may on occasions interfere with some activities of the dwelling occupants as the sound levels exceed the sound level limits of the Ministry of Environment, Conservation & Parks.”

  2. “This dwelling unit has been designed with the provision for adding central air conditioning at the occupant’s discretion. Installation of central air conditioning by the occupant in low and medium density developments will allow windows and exterior doors to remain closed, thereby ensuring that the indoor sound levels are within the sound level limits of the Ministry of Environment, Conservation & Parks.”

18.Warning clause for proximity to a Sewage Treatment Plant: The Owner(s) shall place the following warning clause(s) in all Offers to Purchase, and Agreement of Purchase or Sale or lease between the Owner(s) and all prospective home buyers, and in the title of each dwelling unit within the subject subdivision:

iii) “Purchasers/tenants are advised that an existing sewage treatment plant is located west of the subject land and an easterly expansion of the treatment facility is anticipated in the future. As a result of the proximity of the existing and future treatment facilities to the proposed new developments, it is possible that the new treatment facilities could occasionally emit odours that could interfere with some activities of the dwelling occupants.”

19.The Owner(s) shall place the following warnings in all Offers to Purchase, Agreements of Purchase and Sale or lease between the Owner(s) and all prospective home buyers, and in the title:

  1. “Students from this area may not be able to attend the closest neighbourhood school due to insufficient capacity and may have to be bussed to a distant school with available capacity or could be accommodate in temporary portable space.”

20.The Owner(s) shall:

  1. relocate any existing Bell Canada facilities or easements found to be in conflict with the proposed development;

  2. contact Bell Canada during detailed design to confirm the provision of communication/telecommunication infrastructure needed to