July 9, 2020

City of Windsor Housing and Children’s Services

400 City Hall Square East

Windsor, ON | N9A 6L7

To: Ms. Debbie Cercone, Executive Director, Housing & Children's Services

Re: WECHC – Meadowbrook Lane Passive House Development Update


We are writing to you to provide an update on the project at 3100 Meadowbrook Lane, including an update on project details, current work status, funding details and some recent challenges that have come to light.

As you are aware, in July 2018, Windsor City Council approved the Meadowbrook development at a maximum of 150 units, including approval for CHC to apply for funding through the Province’s Investment in Affordable Housing (IAH) program and CMHC’s Co-Investment fund for mortgage financing. Through the end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019, CHC obtained additional Board and City Council approvals as needed for the project and funding applications, completed said funding applications, and worked with contractors to develop project plans and costing models. In August 2019, CHC hired the Construction Manager, and the process of costing the details of the project and hiring sub-contractors began.

In February 2020, the sub-contract tenders closed, and an increase to total construction hard costs over budget was identified, which resulted in a funding gap. Since that time, CHC staff have successfully worked with the Construction Manager and sub-contractors to reduce the increased construction costs and funding gap. However, a funding gap still exists.

At the same time, CHC Management in cooperation with the Meadowbrook Executive Committee have worked to secure funding to address this funding gap. Specifically, CHC has negotiated with CMHC an additional contribution and loan that covers the funding gap. This solution was presented to the Meadowbrook Executive Committee and on July 7th was approved by the Board of CHC.

To proceed with this solution and continue with construction, CHC requires the following from the City of Windsor: