essential strategy for climate change adaptation (while providing lower utility bills and other benefits)

Benefit to Vulnerable Populations: The study goes on to state:

“The fact that older buildings quickly drop to unsafe temperatures compared with newer and more efficient housing is an equity concern low-income residents or seniors may be more likely to live in older housing, which can expose them to life-threatening conditions in winter storm- triggered outages.”


Time to Fall Below 40'F in a Power Outage

House modelNumber of hours
Typical 1950s home8
Typical 1980s home23
Code—compliant 2009 home45
Net-zero energy ready home61
Passive House152

High Surface Water levels: The Meadowbrook property lays to the west of the Little River channel. To reduce risk from overland flow in the event of the Little River reaching its 1:100 year water surface elevation, the building floor elevations will be at least 0.3m higher than the 1:100 year water surface elevation.

Extreme Precipitation Events: Storm water modelling of the site was completed for various intensity storms including the Urban Stress Test (Climate Change Storm). The final site design includes consideration for overland flow routes towards the Little River, under the Climate Change Storm, to minimize impacts on the property and neighbouring sites. To minimize the risk from sanitary sewer back-ups, backflow preventers will be installed.

Financial Matters:

Cost of Construction Project Budget

The original project estimate for the 150 unit development, which was developed by CHC, was $38.7 million inclusive of land contribution valued at $525,000. The initial proposal as submitted by CHC would provide for a community hub on the ground floor and mixed rental units on upper floors. The proposed plan provided alternative financing options based upon the number of units starting at 30 to a maximum of 150. Given the need in the community for affordable housing, City Council approved the 150 unit option with the understanding that the number of units may be reduced if CHC deems it appropriate to provide a number of larger family units based on the needs in the community.