SCHEDULE A - Authorizations & Acknowledgements - Continued

A3. Acknowledgements

Receipt & Review, Fees & Termination, Other Requirements & Expiry Dates, and Freedom of Information
| acknowledgethatreceipt ofthis application by the City of Windsor doesnot guaranteeit to be a complete application and that further review ofthe application will occur and that | may be contacted to provide additional information and/or resolve any discrepanciesorissues with the application as submitted.

| further acknowledgethatafter the application is deemed complete,feesarenotrefundable,additionalinformation may be requested,andthatafter 60 daysofinactivity the City of Windsor mayterminate the application without notice.

| further acknowledgethat other municipal departments and external agencies may havetheir own requirements,fees and approvals in addition to the requirements, fees and approvals described throughoutthis application form, in anystaff reports, and in any agreements, andthat it is my responsibility to read the staff report, draft approval, final approval and agreements and to note any expiry dates in any of these documents, | further acknowledgethat pursuantto the provisions of the Planning Act and the Municipal Freedom ofInformation and Protection of Privacy Act, this application and all material and information provided with this application are made available to the public.

Species at Risk

Ontario's Endangered Species Actprotects endangered and threatened species — animals and plantsin decline and at risk of disappearing from the province by restricting activities that mayaffectthese plants, animals or their habitats.

| acknowledgethatit is my sole responsibility as the Applicant to comply with the provisions of the Endangered Species Act, 2007, S. O. ¢.6. This could require me to register an activity, get a permit or other authorization from the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP)prior to conducting an activity that could impact an endangered or threatenedplantor animalorits habitat. | further acknowledge that any Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, ¢.P.13 approval given by the Cily of Windsor doesnotconstitute an approvalunderthe Endangered Species Act, nor doesit absolve mefrom seeking the necessary authorization, approvals or permits from the MECPprior to conducting anyactivity that mayaffect endangeredor threatened plant or animalorits habitat.

Additional information can be found at:
https:/Avww. or by contacting MECP at

City of Windsor — Subdivision/Condominium Application

Consolidated Agenda- July 27, 2020