SUBDIVISION/CONDOMINIUM APPLICATION 11, SITE APPRAISAL AND EVALUATION Give a brief description of the existing land use, buildings and infrastructure, vegetation, topography and drainage of the subject land C See Plann ing Rationale Report Exrchne lands ave yacant coith a few etishng h omed Which will be clemol isheok “pon initiation of clevelopmer! 12. MITI GATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS What measures (such as buffering, berms, se tbacks, barriers, etc.) have been or will be taken to mitigate adverse environmental effects (such as traffic, no ise, odours, pollution of nearby water bodies, etc.) from the proposed development on the surrounding areas and t o mitigate adverse effects from the surrounding areas on the proposed development? In agr icultural areas, refer to the Agricultural Code of Practice. Where potential adverse environmental effects (species-at-risk, wetland protection, floodplains, etc.) are foreseen, consultation with the Ministry of Natural Reso urces and Forestry, the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks, and/or the Essex Re gion Conservation Authority is recommended. C1 See Planning Ra tionale Report “EYE AVS Neo polental adverse.

City of Windsor ~ Subdivision/Condominium Application