Item No. 11.4

Council Report: C 154/2020

Subject: Confirm And Ratify Report – Waiver Of User Fees For WIFF Drive-In Movie Event


Date to Council: July 27, 2020
Author: Valerie Critchley
City Clerk & Corporate Leader – Public Engagement & Human Services
(519) 255-6100 ext 6434

Council Services
Report Date: 7/23/2020
Clerk's File #: SR/13663

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


That the results of the email poll conducted by the City Clerk on July 22, 2020 approving the following recommendation BE CONFIRMED AND RATIFIED:

THAT the request from the Windsor International Film Festival (WIFF) to stage the WIFF Drive-In at Riverfront Festival Plaza and Riverfront Civic Terrace, and Municipal Parking Lot 32 between Friday, August 28, 2020 and Saturday, September 12, 2020, BE APPROVED; and further,

THAT the request from WIFF to waive the total rental fees of $26,710 for the Riverfront Festival Plaza and Riverfront Civic Terrace and Municipal Parking Lot 32 BE APPROVED; and further,

THAT the Chief Administrative Officer and City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign the Special Events Agreement, to be satisfactory in form to the City Solicitor and content to the Executive Director of Recreation & Culture.

Executive Summary:


Section 3.7 of Procedure By-law 98-2011 provides the following: