City Council
Monday, July 13, 2020

Verbal Motion is presented by Councillor Sleiman, seconded by Councillor Francis, that Rule 3.3 (c) of the Procedure By-law, 98-2011, BE WAIVED to add the following Agenda item:

4. Personal Matter – about an identifiable individual

Motion Carried.

Verbal Motion is presented by Councillor Sleiman, seconded by Councillor Gignac, to move in Camera for discussion of the following item(s), adding Item 4:

Item No. Subject Section –Pursuant toMunicipal Act,2001, as amended
1. Property matter – sale of land 239(2)(c)
2. Property/legal matter – security of the property of the municipality – event 239(2)(a)
3. Property/personal matter – confirm & ratify e-mail poll 239(2)(d)
4. Personal matter – about an identifiable individual – verbal report – ADDED 239(2)(b)

Motion Carried.

Declarations of Pecuniary Interest:

None declared.

Discussion on the items of business. (Items 1, 2, 3 and 4)