City Council
Monday, July 13, 2020
That the many education and public safety conditions BEGIN AS FOLLOWS:
Allowing this to be done only from Thursday’s to Sunday’s from 6pm & to end by midnight;
A designated sized 1 square metre backyard fire pit is the maximum size allowed. The container is to be made from non-combustible material;
The size of the fire cannot exceed 2 feet long by 2 feet wide by 2 feet high;
Only clean dry seasoned wood, charcoal, briquettes or retail fire logs are allowed to be burned;
Treated or painted wood cannot be burned, no asphalt products, rubber, tires, construction material, household material or plastics can ever be burned;
You must have a bucket of water, a garden hose or a fire extinguisher nearby the fire site and always an adult attending;
The centre of the fire must be a minimum of 15 metres from property lines;
The centre of the fire must be a minimum of 10 metres from hedges, fences, buildings etc.;
Fires would not be allowed when wind conditions in such direction could cause smoke annoyance to neighbours;
Fires would not be allowed during rain, fog, smog/poor air quality alerts or days and during fire bans issued by the Fire Chief or high risk periods;
The fire must be set and supervised at all times by a competent adult; and,
The fire must be full extinguished by an adult before at or before midnight on the applicable days; and further,
That the City Solicitor BE DIRECTED to prepare the necessary by-laws required to enact this initiative; and,
That Administration BE DIRECTED to incorporate a reporting mechanism yearly with cost implications both to the fire department and the Corporation of the City of Windsor, and that a Communications plan BE DEVELOPED to educate the public.
The motion is put and is lost.
At the request of Councillor Kaschak, a recorded vote is taken on this matter.
Aye votes: Councillors Kaschak, Sleiman, Bortolin and Morrison.
Nay votes: Councillors Francis, Gignac, Costante, McKenzie and Mayor Dilkens.
Absent: Councillor Holt.
Abstain: None.
Moved by: Councillor Gignac
Seconded by: Councillor Costante
Decision Number: CR355/2020
That the report of the Fire Chief dated June 25, 2020 entitled “Response to CQ#11-2020 Regarding Open-Air Burning” BE RECEIVED for information; and further,