City Council
Monday, July 13, 2020


Moved by: Councillor Bortolin
Seconded by: Councillor Kaschak

That Council do now rise and move into Committee of the Whole with the Mayor presiding for the purpose of dealing with:

  1. communication items;
  2. consent agenda;
  3. hearing requests for deferrals, referrals and/or withdrawals of any items of business;
  4. hearing presentations and delegations;
  5. consideration of business items;
  6. consideration of Committee reports:
  7. Report of Special In-Camera Meeting or other Committee as may be held prior to Council (if scheduled); and
  8. consideration of by-law 89-2020 through 103-2020 (inclusive).


7.2. Council Question CQ 31-2019 - City Wide

Moved by: Councillor Bortolin
Seconded by: Councillor Morrison

Decision Number: CR336/2020
That the report of the City Solicitor dated May 29, 2020 entitled "Council Question CQ31-2019" BE RECEIVED; and further,

That Administration BE DIRECTED to prepare a by-law prohibiting anyone from depositing refuse on private property even if they have the permission of the owner or occupant to do so; and further,

That Administration BE DIRECTED to review other tools from a by-law capacity that might be available to strengthen the ability to regulate the depositing of refuse on private property. Carried.

Report Number: C 110/2020
Clerk's File: AB2020

7.1. Correspondence Monday, July 13, 2020

Moved by: Councillor McKenzie
Seconded by: Councillor Morrison