there are approximately 8.5 new requests for shelter intake per day. The breakdown by shelter service provider is as follows.

Average new requests for intake per day

Service Provider Number
Salvation Army 2.8
Welcome Centre- singles 1.3
Welcome Centre- families 2.05
Downtown Mission 2.4
Total 8.55

Source: admissions statistics provided by the shelter service providers

There is no “best” access model. Although, the following are important elements of an effective access model:

Different approaches may be needed in different communities, depending on factors such as physical geography, the range of programs within the service system, and the capacity of partners in the community. Options include a combination of the following:

A single, physical access point is an effective way to integrate all aspects of the intake and referral process, including diversion services and admission to shelter. It also allows for more in-depth face to face interaction between the shelter seeker and the intake/diversion worker, which can help ensure that the individual or family is connected with the most appropriate service. A single physical location is