2.0 Evidence-informed Practices

The following section provides information on evidence-informed practices for shelter services. Some of this information was taken from the Review of the Emergency Shelter System within the City of Greater Sudbury, which was written by Vink Consulting in 2019. It was used with permission of the City of Greater Sudbury.

There are six key elements of effective shelters systems1:

In addition, the following section outlines additional best practices that impact shelters, including:

Best-practice modifications in response to COVID-19 are also discussed.

Housing First Approach

According to the National Alliance to End Homelessness (US), in effective shelter systems, the eligibility criteria, policies, and practices in all shelters are aligned with a Housing First approach2. Taking a Housing First approach means that anyone experiencing homelessness can access shelter without prerequisites, services are voluntary, and clients are assisted to access permanent housing options as quickly as possible. This “key element” is closely tied with, and encompasses, several of other key elements of effective shelter systems that will be discussed below, including providing immediate and low-barrier access, providing housing-focused services, and promoting dignity and respect.

Immediate and Low-Barrier Access

Immediate and low-barrier access to shelter refers to having no sobriety, income requirements and other policies that make it difficult to enter shelter, stay in shelter, or access housing and income opportunities. Having a low barrier shelter system involves shelters accommodating people regardless of substance use, but also involves accommodating people in a variety of other scenarios3. Shelters

  1. National Alliance to End Homelessness, The Five Keys to Effective Emergency Shelter; United States Interagency Council on Homelessness, 2017, Key Considerations for Implementing Emergency Shelter Within an Effective Crisis Response System
  2. National Alliance to End Homelessness, The Five Keys to Effective Emergency Shelter
  3. United States Interagency Council on Homelessness, 2017, Key Considerations for Implementing Emergency Shelter Within an Effective Crisis Response System