Service Agreements
Prior to the pandemic, the City of Windsor had service agreements with the Salvation Army and the Welcome Centre. Under these service agreements with the City, shelter service providers are expected to:
Provide board, lodging and personal needs to individuals/households who are homeless on a short term and infrequent basis
Apply documented, structured, integrated case planning with identified goals to ensure participant interactions have objectives and are outcome oriented
Make appropriate referrals to support developed case plans
Apply a collaborative approach to case planning and record-keeping. Collecting and recording demographic information and maintaining case notes, case management and descriptions of involved supports and community services using the integrated data management program (HIFIS)
Completing VI-SPDAT, VI-TAY-SPDAT or VI-F-SPDAT on all individuals/households, as required
Referring and updating the By-Names Prioritized List in collaborations with other housing and homelessness stakeholders.
During the pandemic, the City of Windsor provided additional funding to the Salvation Army, Welcome Centre, and entered into a funding agreement with the Downtown Mission to assist with immediate adjustments to their services in response to COVID-19.
The following logic model provides a representation of emergency shelter activities and expected outcomes of City funded shelters based on the expectations for services and reporting that are outlined in the Service Agreements.