Table of Contents

Recommend Solution Page Recommend Solution Page
Central Windsor   East Windsor  
Central Area Enhanced Sewer Separation 2 East Area Sanitary Sewer Improvements 21
Prince Rd. and College Ave. Trunk Storm Sewers 3 Little River Pollution Control Plant – Improved Bypass 21
Felix Ave. Trunk Storm Sewer 4 Regional Areas 1 & 2 Recommended Solution 22
Detroit St. Trunk Storm Sewer 5 Ford Blvd. Pump Station 23
Huron Church Rd. Trunk Storm Sewer 6 St. Rose Ave. Pump Station 24
Tecumseh Rd. Trunk Storm Sewer 7 St. Paul Ave. Pump Station 25
Cameron Ave. Trunk Storm Sewer 8 Regional Areas 3 & 4 Recommended Solution 26
Bruce Ave. and Marentette Ave. Trunk Storm Sewers 9 Regional Areas 5 Recommended Solution 27
Lincoln Rd./Ontario St./Walker Rd. Trunk Storm Sewers 10 Regional Areas 6 Recommended Solution 28
Ypres Ave. Alternatives 11 East Marsh Pump Station 29
Drouillard Rd. Alternatives 12 Jefferson Blvd. Recommended Solution 30
Albert Rd. Trunk Storm Sewer 13 Roseville Garden Recommended Solution 31
South Windsor   Lauzon Road Recommended Solution 32
South Area Sanitary Sewer Improvements 14 Wyandotte at Watson Recommended Solution 33
Dougall Ave. Recommended Solution 15 Banwell Rd., McHugh St. & McNorton Ave. Solution 34
Howard Ave. Recommended Solution 16 Lauzon Parkway Recommended Solution 35
Chrysler Centre Recommended Solution 17 McHugh St. at Darfield Recommended Solution 36
Central Ave., Pillette Rd. & Regional Area 7 Recommended Solution 18    
Regional Area 8 Recommended Solution 19