Final Recommendation Summary Report

Coastal Flood Protection

Flood protection solutions have been divided into 3 areas:

Flood Protection Along North Shoreline Limitations-

All Areas – Ford Blvd. to East City Limits

Providing protection along the north waterline was considered, however this is not a feasible option due to the following factors:

Inspection & Maintenance• The City must have full access for regular inspection and maintenance of the any flood protection infrastructure. Structures will need to be constructed within established easements or rightof-way. 
Size/Height• Where flood protection measures are constructed at the lake/river water line the structure must be 1 ft to 3 ft higher to account for wind and wave factors.
Management & Jurisdiction• The City must be able to maintain access and legal status of the flood protection features to mitigate risks of damage or modifications to the structure which would leave the in-land areas vulnerable.
Impacts• Would impact private property amenities such as pools, docks, boat slips and structures. Higher barrier would require property acquisition and removal of structures.

Emergency Flood Preparedness for those properties adjacent to the water is being considered under a separate City initiative.