Final Recommendation Summary Report

Source Control:

Private Property Improvements

What is Foundation Drain Disconnection?

Generally, homes built before 1980, were permitted to drain foundations (weeping tiles) to their sanitary plumbing connection. Standard home building practices have improved since that time, however it is assumed most older homes still have this improper connection. Foundation drains (weeping tiles) are a major contributor of rainwater getting into the sanitary sewer system during wet weather events. The volume of rainwater entering the sanitary system causes the system to become overwhelmed and therefore increases risk of basement and surface flooding.

What is Foundation Drain Disconnection?

Downspout disconnection is the process of separating roof downspouts from the sewer system and redirecting roof runoff onto pervious surfaces, such as a lawn or garden. In some cases, additional work is required, as it is not recommended that disconnected downspouts directrainwater towards hard surfaces such as sidewalks and driveways, where a slip and fall situation may occur. Implementing measures such French drains or pop-up devices are recommended in these situations.

Role of the Resident/Property Owner

Coordination with Other Municipalities