Final Recommendation Summary Report

Welcome to the Sewer and Coastal Flood Protection Master Plan

The City of Windsor has experienced several significant storm events in recent years that have resulted in widespread basement and surface flooding throughout the City. In addition to these events, current high Lake St. Clair and Detroit River Water Levels are putting strain on the municipal sewer system and posing risks to property owners in coastal and low lying areas. The City has undertaken this master plan to understand the causes of flooding, identify and evaluate solutions, complete high level design and cost estimates for proposed infrastructure improvements and to provide an implementation strategy for the recommended solutions.

This Sewer and Coastal Flood Protection master plan follows the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process which provides the framework for the public to have an active role in the development of the solutions.

This document is intended to provide a summary of the findings and final recommendations of this master plan. Further details will be available in the Master Plan Environmental Assessment report which will be available for public review in Fall 2020.