Item No. 10.1

Council Report: C 127/2020

Subject: Sewer Master Plan Final Recommendations Solution Summary City Wide


Date to Council: July 27, 2020
Author: Anna Godo
Engineer III
(519) 255-6257 ext. 6508
Design and Development
Report Date: July 9, 2020
Clerk’s File #: SW/12983

To : Mayor and Members of City Council



1. THAT Council ENDORSE the ‘Final Council Recommendation Summary of the Sewer and Coastal Flood Protection Master Plan’ prepared by Dillon Consulting Limited dated July 20, 2020 included within Appendices 1 through 4; and,

2. THAT Administration BE DIRECTED to develop an implementation strategy for the Final Council Recommendations Summary of the Sewer and Coastal Flood Protection Master Plan to be considered as part of the 2021 Capital Budget process; and,

3. THAT Council APPROVE $1,500,000 to proceed with immediate short term projects/programs to be charged to Sewer Master Plan Implementation Project, Project ID#7199004 which will include the following:

  1. Mandatory downspout disconnection pilot program and monitoring

  2. Contract to seal maintenance hole covers in low lying areas

  3. Develop an educational program to outline measures that can be implemented on private property to reduce the risk of flooding