Several phases in the budget process allow for the public and various stakeholders to provide input regarding the 2021 budget process. Council’s deliberation of this report outlining the budget process and timelines, provide an initial opportunity at the onset of the budget development process. A further opportunity for feedback occurs with the tabling of the recommended budget, which takes place prior to final budget deliberations, at which time; the public may either appear as a delegation or provide their concerns in writing.

Additionally, throughout the year, departments engage in many public consultation initiatives to deal with various municipal issues (as outlined in detail in Appendix A: 2019-2020 Public Engagement & Consultation Initiatives). These numerous community involvement initiatives and public engagement opportunities occur over the course of the department’s day -to-day operations and are extremely useful in providing guidance as it relates to the annual budget development process.

Traditionally, annual Ward meetings are formatted as an open forum for ward residents and the public to discuss any number of municipal issues that affect them. These meetings provide for valuable public engagement and involvement in the annual budget development process. The comments and feedback provided during these meetings serve to inform the decision making process that occurs at the administrative review stage of the budget process and during final Council budget deliberations. It should be noted, however, that ward meetings would likely not occur in this format this year given the on-going need for physical distancing in an effort to stop the spread of COVID-19. Council Services will be providing Council with alternative options for public engagement later this year to ensure COVID 19 protocols are maintained.

Risk Analysis:

There is a risk that the fiscal or service needs of the residents or achievement of Council’s strategic goals for the 2021 budget will not be met. This risk is m itigated by early planning of the 2021 Budget process and a recommendation to maintain the current budget process for 2021 with additional COVID 19 analysis, due to the continued uncertainties of COVID-19 impacts.

Financial Matters:

The 2021 budget process laid out in this report is structured in a manner consistent with prior years with an option (not recommended for this year given the issues surrounding the pandemic) to include a participatory component by City Council at an earlier stage prior to finalizing the recommended budget. If the recommended process is approved by Council, Administration will bring forth budget recommendations with consideration to:

  1. Minimize the Property Tax Levy Requirements

  2. Confirm or Adjust Service Levels