August 4, 2020

Regular City Council Meeting

Item 8.8

Additional Information

From: mary hansen

To: clerks <>

Subject: Re:2650 Metclafe St.

Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2020 9:08 PM

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To whom it may concern this is to inform you of our opposition to the exemption for the lot at 2650 Metclafe. I have lived in this area for twenty years now, as a resident I care about my area, pick up trash cut my lawn and shovel my sidewalks. Some of the businesses in this area are not as courteous, since they don’t live here they don’t care. The trucking company is not a good neighbor, the trucks run all hours of the day and night with no regard for people who live here. They are to say the least noisy. The lot in question sits beside the park, the trucks are high up and have trouble seeing the kids on the way in and out of the park. The trucks pull out with a dust storm as the lot is unpaved , and if you happen to be on the street you get sand blasted as they pick up all the dirt they drag out. In the past they have been made to spray to keep the dust down but this does nothing because of the amount of traffic that used the lot. My house has no driveway so we park on the street, the dirt fills my truck and makes it so I can’t open windows when they operate. The dirt from the lot when there is a big storm washes down the sewer blocking the grates with other debris that is able to get stuck because of all the dirt. When the trucks pull out so much dirt in a cloud it causes a hazard for other vehicles to see.

I thank you for your time and hope that this matter can be resolved in the best interest of the community.

Mary Hansen