August 4, 2020

City Council Meeting

Item 8.8

Additional Information

From: dave sherwood
Sent: Friday, July 3, 2020 2:35 PM
To: Toldo, Beth <>
Subject: Re: Development & Heritage Standing Committee meeting - Monday July 13, 2020 at 4:30 p.m.

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Hi we wish to be part of this meeting as we are going to be immediately affected if you approve this motion for him to construct his trucking company without following the city of Windsor’s bylaws

The owners of this property have caused nothing but chaos and ruin property values along with my health and my employees anyone that lives in the area they have no Respect for anyone in the area that dust and dirt that blows from this yard is ridiculous on a windy day you can’t see we operate a car lot in front of this terminal for the past 30 years I complain to the city more than 200 times Make him pay for the whole lot before he gets to do anything he wouldn’t even put down salt brine for the past 10 years even though I asked him nicely and I would even pay for it he’s trying to lower that my property values and I do have a lawyer on this right now as we speak and I would like to be part of your meeting as we are on majority of the frontage

Dave Sherwood