Meeting Date Motion/ Resolution Report Number CLT Member/ Executive Director Action Status
September 17, 2018 CR503/2018ETPS 630 SCM 332/2018&C 122/2018 Manager, Parks Development That the report of the Manager Parks Development, dated July 20, 2018, responding to CQ27-2017 regarding first responders signage for parks, BE RECEIVED for information; and,That City Council BE ADVISED that Administration will return to Council in January 2019 to request the approval to proceed with this project and release the 2023 funding allocated as part of the 2018 Enhanced Budget, and further,That Administration BE DIRECTED to develop a wayfinding standards policy based on the results of the Little River Corridor wayfinding signage and markers, as a pilot project, to be brought to City Council for approval.  
September 17, 2018 CR512/2018PHED 589 SCM 257/2018 & SCM 207/2018 City Planner That Report No. 7 of the Windsor Housing Advisory Committee indicating:That the “Draft” Official Plan policies relating to second unit policies BEACCEPTED and further, that the recommendation of the Housing AdvisoryCommittee proceed to the Planning, Heritage and Economic StandingCommittee and to City Council as expeditiously as possible,BE APPROVED; and,That Administration REPORT BACK to Council on best practices from surrounding Municipalities regarding heights and set back requirements for ancillary structures.