
City Solicitor


Ask administration to report back on potential by-law, licensing, or parking suggestions to deal with auto-centric businesses that operate near residential neighbourhoods who park cars on residential streets but are not residents of the area. Specific examples are mechanics or car lots that have cars without plates parked on side streets near their business. Coordinate with by-law, parking, licensing, and right-of-way along with WPS.

ST2020 (July 13, 2020)

Type of


Required -Written Report



Director Human



It is important that we recognize and acknowledge the historic and systemic nature of racism and discrimination in our country and our City. We understand that to move forward and promote equity and eliminate anti-racism requires reaching out to and hearing from the voices of those in our community and Corporation most impacted by discrimination and racism.

In this pursuit, it is also essential that we work towards having a Corporation that is representative of the people it serves and that everyone is treated with respect. As such, I am seeking the input and recommendations of Administration and our Diversity Advisory Committee on the viability of:

1. Including community-led consultations on systemic racism, under Phase 2 of the City of Windsor Diversity and Inclusion Initiative.

2. Seeking the input of those in our Corporation and related entities and our community most affected by racism and discrimination, regarding barriers to hiring and advancement in our Corporation and related entities as part of the Diversity and Inclusion Initiative.

3. Including recommendations and input regarding providing historical information and educational materials for City owned statues, buildings and streets named with racist histories as part of the Diversity and Inclusion Initiative, and further developing a plan for inclusive street and property naming practices in the future.

APM2020 (July 13, 2020)

Type of


Required -Written Report

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