The purpose of this amendment is to allow a long-term care facility (lodging house and a residential care facility) on the subject land by changing the land use designation on Schedule D: Land Use in Volume 1 of the City of Windsor Official Plan (OP) from “Commercial Corridor” to “Residential”.


The amendment applies to the land generally described as Part of Lots 143 and 144, Concession 1, designated as Parts 1 to 4, 11 to 15, and 26 to 30, Plan 12R-27789 (PIN 01566-0995; Roll No. 070-890-02411), situated on the west side of Banwell Road between Tecumseh Road East and Palmetto Street.

Ward: 7                          Planning District: 10 – Forest Glade                 ZDM: 15


The applicant is requesting Amendments to the Official Plan (OPA) and Zoning By-law 8600 (ZBA) to allow a three-storey long-term care facility consisting of 192 beds.

The parcel is designated “Commercial Corridor” on Schedule D: Land Use. This designation does not permit a long-term care facility (defined as a lodging house and/or residential care facility in Zoning By-law 8600), therefore, the land use designation must be amended to allow the proposed long-term care facility.

The following documents were submitted: Planning Justification Report (PJR), Functional Servicing Report, Transportation Impact Study, and a revised Conceptual Site Plan. The PJR was updated to reflect the new Provincial Policy Statement 2020 (PPS 2020), the revised conceptual site plan, and any revisions to any other documents.

The proposed long-term care facility represents a complementary and compact form of housing and intensification that is near sources of transportation. It is a replacement for a smaller facility located directly across the street. The proposed development satisfies the “Residential” land use designation objectives set out in Section 6.3.1 of the OP.

The locational criteria of Section require residential development to have access to an arterial road, be provided with full municipal services, be provided with public transit, and adequate community services and open spaces are available or planned. The proposed development satisfies the locational criteria.

Site Plan Control is the appropriate tool to consider the guidelines in Section regarding the evaluation of the proposed design.

When Official Plan Amendment 131 is approved, the requested zoning amendment will conform to the Zoning Amendment Policies, Section and, of the Official Plan and conform to the general direction of the Official Plan.