City Council
Monday, July 27, 2020

Decision Number: CR380/2020

That the Review of Emergency Shelter Services in Windsor Essex Report by Vink Consulting Inc. BE RECEIVED for information; and,

That the Executive Director of Housing and Children’s Services BE DIRECTED to bring forward reports to City Council addressing the recommendations for the future state of the emergency shelter system, including implementation plans with associated costs; and,

That the Executive Director of Housing and Children’s Services BE AUTHORIZED to pursue funding options to support any required operational and capital investments and further, should such funding options be in the forms of grants and/or loans; and,

That the Chief Administrative Officer and City Clerk, or their designates, BE AUTHORIZED to sign any applications and take any such actions as required to secure funding provided such documents are in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor, satisfactory in financial content to the City Treasurer, and technical content to the Executive Director of Housing and Children’s Services; and further,

That Administration BE DIRECTED to report back to the Community Services and Parks Standing Committee on a quarterly basis on timelines and progress of the report.

Report Number: C 145/2020

Clerk’s File: GH/11710

11. REGULAR BUSINESS ITEMS (Non-Consent Items)

11.3. Format for Future City Council Meetings During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Response to CQ 18-2020 regarding allowing delegations to participate during future Council Meetings

Moved by: Councillor Morrison

Seconded by: Councillor Bortolin

Decision Number: CR383/2020

1. That Council APPROVE the following with respect to future meetings of City Council during the Novel Coronovirus (COVID-19) global pandemic, all in accordance with Bill 197, currently before the legislature of the Province of Ontario, all to be effective upon the date that Bill 197 is passed and proclaimed:

  1. City Council extend the electronic participation rules applicable only during a declared emergency currently contained in the Procedure By-law, save and except the clause limiting delegations to written submissions, for a period of one year following the later of the termination of the Provincial emergency or the termination of the municipal emergency;

  2. City Council review the rules for electronic meetings contained in the Procedure By-law before the expiry of the recommended extensions; and,