Policy Support

The clean up and redevelopment of the site is supported by numerous policies within the 2020 Provincial Policy Statement, the City’s Official Plan, and the City’s Environmental Master Pan.


There is little risk associated with the approval of the CIP applications in principle. Staff resources are required for the upfront administration of the grant programs, finalization of the legal agreements, and making application to the Province under the BFTIP.

Approval to participate in the Tax Assistance Program is a prerequisite for participation in the Provincial Brownfield Financial Tax Incentive Program during the first three years of the project. Refusing the request to participate in this program would preclude the leverage of this Provincial tax cancellation.

Refusal of the application may also result in the owner proceeding without conducting environmental remediation and filing a RSC. While not required, the filing of a RSC will improve the quality of the soil conditions on-site and will address any off-site migration of contaminants onto neighbouring properties.


The cost estimate (excluding HST) for completing the proposed Phase Two ESA is $33,800. If approved the requested grant programs would provide a maximum of $15,000 toward the completion of the study. Together, this and the previously approved ESA grant would total $20,500, which is less than the $25,000 maximum grant limit under the program.

Should the actual costs of the study be less than what has been estimated the grant payments would be based on the lower amount. The grants would be paid out of the Brownfield Strategy/Remediation Account (project # 7069003), which has a current uncommitted balance of $621,611.