The previous property owner was approved under this program and received a grant in the amount of $5,500. The current owner needs to update the Phase Two ESA study and conduct confirmatory sampling to support the filing of a RSC. The costs estimate to upgrade the Phase Two ESA from CSA to RSC standard is $33,800.

Clearly identifying the type and delineating the extent of any contamination is an essential step in moving forward with redevelopment plans. Upon completion the City would retain a copy of the final study report.

Brownfield Property Tax Assistance Program

The Brownfields Property Tax Assistance Program may cancel any increase in municipal property taxes on a brownfield property for up to three years during rehabilitation and redevelopment. Through the municipality—property owners may also apply to the Province for a matching cancellation of any increase in education property taxes. Under the tax cancellation provision of the Municipal Act (i.e. section 365.1) the program may continue for up to three years while remediation and redevelopment are taking place.

The value of tax cancellation must be offset by eligible costs, which are the costs of any action taken to reduce the concentration of contaminants on, in, or under the property to permit a RSC to be filed (e.g. Phase II ESA, Risk Assessment, environmental remediation, placing of clean fill, installing environmental controls, monitoring, environmental insurance premiums, etc.).

To enact the program, Council must pass a tax cancellation by-law and make application to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (i.e. on behalf of the owner) for cancellation of the education portion of the tax levy under the Provincial Brownfield Financial Tax Incentive Program (BFTIP). A tax cancellation agreement between the City and the owner is also required, which would cause any tax cancellation be repaid should a RSC not be filed.

Brownfield Rehabilitation Grant Program

The Brownfield Rehabilitation Grant Program starts after the Brownfield Property Tax Assistance Program and Provincial BFTIP are complete. The purpose of the program is to encourage the remediation, rehabilitation and adaptive re-use of brownfield sites by providing grants to help pay for remediation costs not fully disbursed by the Brownfield Tax Assistance Program and BFTIP as well as non-environmental rehabilitation costs normally associated with brownfield site redevelopment (e.g. demolishing buildings, development application and building permit fees, and upgrading on-site /off-site infrastructure).