Closed alleys in the City of Windsor are typically divided into parcels along the centreline of the alley in order to convey half of the alley to each abutting property owner.

PART 1, on Reference Plan 12R25749 will be conveyed by dividing along the centreline. This is consistent with the conveyance of the already closed portion of the same east-west alley. In addition, easements required at the time of closure of the said east-west alley shall apply to the closure of PART 1, 12R25749.

Conveyance of the subject north-south portion will occur in accordance with CR54/2020. That means, upon closure, the entire width of north-south alley will be conveyed to the applicant to increase Florence Avenue Road Allowance and facilitate the development of the plan of subdivision on the lands west of the subject alley closure.

Risk Analysis:

The recommended closure of the subject north-south alley allows for an appropriate width of right-of-way (extension of Florence Avenue) to be conveyed to The Corporation the City of Windsor. The usual risks the City faces with any municipal right-of-way should be expected for the proposed Florence Avenue extension. The recommended closure of the north-south alley does not pose any additional risk to the City.

The recommended closure of PART 1, 12R25749 will divest the City of associated liability risks and maintenance costs. The recommended closure of the remnant piece poses no known risk to The Corporation of the City of Windsor.

Financial Matters:

Regarding the subject north-south alley abutting lands zoned DRD1.1 & HRD2.1: $1.00 plus deed preparation fee and proportionate share of the survey cost as invoiced to The Corporation of the City of Windsor by an Ontario Land Surveyor.

For the remnant piece of the east-west alley, being PART 1 on 12R-25749, $1.00 plus deed preparation fee. No survey cost should be allocated for this remnant piece as it will be identified on the survey for the north-south alley.


Consultations were held with Municipal Departments and Utility Companies, which resulted in the information found in attached Appendix “C”.

There were no objections from the municipal departments and utility companies for the requested alley closure.

No easements within the subject area of closure (north-south alley). However, easements requested during the closure of the rest of the east-west alley were applied to the remnant parcel (PART 1, 12R25749).

The applicant is advised to note that ENWIN has underground 120/240V secondary street light distribution along the north side of the development property and requires