Council Report: S 72/2020

Subject: Descent of the Holy Ghost Romanian Orthodox Church, 2895 Seminole Street – Community Heritage Fund Request (Ward 5)


Date to Council: July 13, 2020
Author: Kristina Tang
Heritage Planner
Planning & Building Services
Planning & Building Services
Report Date: June 18, 2020
Clerk’s File #: MBA/10446

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


  1. THAT the request by the Descent of the Holy Ghost Romanian Orthodox Church for a grant of an upset amount of $21,357 from the Community Heritage Fund (Reserve Fund 157), for the Building Permit Services required for the roof dome replacement at 2895 Seminole Street, BE APPROVED, subject to:

    1. Determination by the Chief Building Official and the City Planner that the work is completed to applicable codes and heritage conservation standards;

    2. Owner’s submission of paid receipts for work completed;

    3. That the Community Heritage Fund (Reserve Fund 157) grants approved shall lapse if the applicant has not completed the work and fulfilled the conditions within 2 years of the approval date.

  2. That any further changes determined to be minor that require Council Approval as per the approved Heritage Alteration Permit (CR 499/2019), BE DELEGATED to the City Planner for final approval.

  3. THAT CR499/2020 BE AMENDED by deleting clauses II.a. and lll. since it is not necessary to enter into a heritage conservation agreement and all determination of good work will be reviewed through the Building Permit Application.