The Official Plan designates the site Residential. The Residential designation permits Neighbourhood Commercial uses in residential designations provided the uses are intended to meet the day to day needs of residents within the immediate neighbourhood or neighbourhoods.

The uses proposed are consistent with uses general found in neighbourhood commercial developments, that being, uses that fulfill the needs of the local residents.

The proposed commercial building will provide a transition in building form, from the commercial forms in the commercial node to the residential form to the east.

Risk Analysis:

Financial Matters:


Departments and Agencies

Comments from Municipal Departments and External Agencies are attached as Appendix A. No objections were received from commenting departments and agencies.

Public Notice

Notice of the Public Meeting as required by the Planning Act was advertised in the Windsor Star. A courtesy notice was mailed to all property owners within 120 metres of the subject parcel.



The applicant is not requesting any changes in the regulations set out in the OMB decision, only to expand the range of uses permitted to provide enhanced neighbourhood commercial uses on the site. The proposed uses include a restaurant and a take-out restaurant which are compatible with and are frequently found in conjunction with the other permitted uses (business office, pharmacy, professional studio and health studio, medical office) on the site. All of the uses permitted on the site are consistent with the generally found in neighbourhood commercial developments. The proposed amendment to the By-law 8600 to add restaurant and takeout restaurant as additional permitted uses is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS 2020) and conforms to the Neighbourhood commercial policies of the City of Windsor Official Plan. The Planning Department recommends approval.