Official Plan:

Relevant excerpts from the Official Plan are attached as Appendix C. The subject property is located within the University Planning District and is designated Residential on Schedule D: Land Use of the City of Windsor Official Plan.

Objective supports a complementary range of housing forms and tenures in all neighbourhoods. Objective seeks to promote compact neighbourhoods and balanced transportation systems. Objective seeks to promote selective residential redevelopment, infill and intensification initiatives. The semi-detached dwelling represents a complementary and compact form of housing, redevelopment, and intensification that is near sources of transportation and that supports. The zoning amendment satisfies the objectives set out in Section 6.5.1 of the Official Plan.

The proposed semi-detached dwelling is classified as a small-scale Low Profile housing development under Section (a), a permitted use in the Residential land use designation (Section The proposed development is compatible with the surrounding land uses (Section (c)) and no deficiencies in municipal physical services and emergency services have been identified (Section (e)). The zoning amendment conforms to the policies in Sections and of the Official Plan.

The zoning amendment conforms to the Zoning Amendment Policies, Section and, of the Official Plan.

The proposed change to Zoning By-law 8600 conforms to the general policy direction of the Official Plan.

Zoning By-Law:

Relevant excerpts from Zoning By-law 8600 are attached as Appendix D.

The applicant is requesting a change from Residential District 1.3 (RD1.3) to a zoning district that permits a semi-detached dwelling. The Residential District 2.1 (RD2.1) zoning district is an appropriate zoning category and is compatible with the existing uses in the neighbourhood. RD2.1 permits one semi-detached dwelling on a lot with a minimum width of 15.0 m and a minimum area of 450.0 m2, with a minimum front yard depth of 6.0, a minimum rear yard depth of 7.50 m and a minimum side yard width of 1.80 m. The minimum building height is 10.0 m with a maximum lot coverage of 45%.

A site specific exception for minimum lot width has been requested. The reduction in the minimum lot width is required to accommodate the proposed semi-detached dwelling on a slightly narrower lot of approximately 14 m. The lot has an area of 485.32 m2, which exceeds the minimum lot area of 450.0 m2. The reduction in lot width will have no adverse impact on the proposed development or on surrounding uses. The lots on California, north of Girardot, are slightly skewed, leading to slight differences in lot width from front to rear. To avoid issues in measuring lot width at the building permit stage, Staff recommend that the required minimum lot width be as existing.

No other reductions or changes to zoning provisions has been requested. The proposed semi-detached dwelling must comply with all other zoning provisions and is NOT subject to site plan control.