In determining the most appropriate direction for expansions to the boundaries of settlement areas or the identification of a settlement area by a planning authority, a planning authority shall apply the policies of Section 2: Wise Use and Management of Resources and Section 3: Protecting Public Health and Safety.

1.1.4 Rural Areas in Municipalities

Rural areas are important to the economic success of the Province and our quality of life. Rural areas are a system of lands that may include rural settlement areas, rural lands, prime agricultural areas, natural heritage features and areas, and other resource areas. Rural areas and urban areas are interdependent in terms of markets, resources and amenities. It is important to leverage rural assets and amenities and protect the environment as a foundation for a sustainable economy.

Ontario’s rural areas have diverse population levels, natural resources, geographies and physical characteristics, and economies. Across rural Ontario, local circumstances vary by region. For example, northern Ontario’s natural environment and vast geography offer different opportunities than the predominately agricultural areas of southern regions of the Province. Healthy, integrated and viable rural areas should be supported by:

  1. building upon rural character, and leveraging rural amenities and assets;

  2. promoting regeneration, including the redevelopment of brownfield sites;

  3. accommodating an appropriate range and mix of housing in rural settlement areas;

  4. encouraging the conservation and redevelopment of existing rural housing stock on rural lands;

  5. using rural infrastructure and public service facilities efficiently;

  6. promoting diversification of the economic base and employment opportunities through goods and services, including value-added products and the sustainable management or use of resources;