Housing & Homelessness Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes

Moved by F. Coughlin, seconded by Councillor McKenzie,

That in light of the additional information memo dated January 30, 2020 from the Commissioner of Community Development and Health Services regarding support of an Administrative working group structure to move the work of the 10 Year Housing & Homelessness Master Plan, that the motion approved by HHAC at its meeting held November 19, 2019 BE AMENDED to indicate the following:

That HHAC ESTABLISH a 10 Year Housing & Homelessness Master Plan Subcommittee consisting solely of members of the Housing & Homelessness Advisory Committee.

6. Updates from HHAC Members

No updates are provided.

7. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held at the call of the Chair.

8. Adjournment

There being no further business, the meeting is adjourned at 11:42 o'clock a.m.

                             ACTING CHAIR
