Housing & Homelessness Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes

In response to a question asked by J. Brunet regarding the process for the public to access information relating to secondary suites, G. Robinson responds a website has been developed and adds workshops will also be held.

Moved by Mayor McNamara, seconded by F. Coughlin,
That the presentation provided by Greg Atkinson, Planner III and George Robinson, Planner II regarding changes to the Planning Act and Bill 108 BE RECEIVED.

Windsor Essex Community Housing Corporation – Nostalgic look at the first building of Social Housing in Windsor 1964

A nostalgic look at a video of the first building of social housing in Windsor is shown depicting a glimpse into the state of low income housing in the downtown area in 1964.

The document entitled “CHC Business Intelligence Central Housing Registry”

providing information relating to the Applicant waitlist, Applicants by Age Group, Applicants by income group, etc. is distributed and attached as Appendix “A”.

J. Steele advises there are 5,636 on the applicant waiting list. He adds more units are required in the social housing portfolio as 98.5 of the units in the Central Housing Registry are rented.

F. Coughlin proposes that clients be referred to Habitat for Humanity as the building of homes is ongoing.

D. Cercone indicates of the 5,636 people on the waitlist, at least 400 are experiencing homelessness. K. Goz adds that 6,500 individuals are at risk of homelessness as per Home Together: Windsor Essex 10-year Housing & Homelessness Plan.

In response to a question asked by Councillor McKenzie regarding if inclusionary zoning should be required in Windsor, J. Steele responds affirmatively.