and uncertainty of how emergency orders and the virus will impact our licensed businesses and public vehicle services within our community.


Alexandra Taylor, Financial Planning Administrator – City of Windsor

Municipal Benchmarking Network Canada (MBNCanada)

International Association of Transportation Regulators (IATR)

Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO)


In times of crisis such as we are presently experiencing, our obligation as a municipality and regulatory body to act in good faith is of critical importance when dealing with our licensed businesses and public vehicle industries who may be facing a range of challenges.

Licensing Administration has recognized these challenges and has prepared a recommendation for Council’s consideration that is in line with a majority of municipal licensing authorities across North America. Municipalities are providing financial and operational relief to their municipal licensees the only way they can, by extending renewal deadlines and waiving penalty fees. Administration’s recommendation creates a positive business relationship with our licensees during these trying times and at the same time ensures that municipal licences are still being issued in accordance with by-law mandates by ensuring public safety, consumer protection and nuisance control.

Planning Act Matters:


Name Title
Craig Robertson Supervisor of Licensing
Gary Cian Senior Manger of Policy, Gaming, Licensing and By-Law Enforcement
Valerie Critchley City Clerk
Janice Guthrie On behalf of City Treasurer
Onorio Colucci Chief Administrative Officer