Item No. 8.1

Council Report: C 152/2020

Subject: COVID-19 Impacts on Municipal Licensing Deadlines and Renewal Fees - City Wide


Date to Council: August 4, 2020
Author: Craig Robertson
Supervisor of Licensing
519-255-6100 ext. 6869

Report Date: July 20, 2020
Clerk’s File #: MH/13786

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT City Council APPROVE the Licence Commissioner to EXTEND the February, May and August 2020 business and public vehicle licence deadlines regulated under Business Licensing By-law 395-2004 and Public Vehicle Licensing By-law 137-2007 as amended by By-law 150-2018 until December 1, 2020; and,

THAT City Council APPROVE the Licence Commissioner to WAIVE any pending or potential late licence renewal fees associated with the February, May and August 2020 business and public vehicle deadlines until December 1, 2020; and,

THAT City Council APPROVE the Licence Commissioner to MODIFY the licence deadlines regulated under Business Licensing By-law 395-2004 and Public Vehicle Licensing By-law 137-2007 as amended by By-law 150-2018 as deemed necessary, in the event there are further impacts on the issuance of municipal licences due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Executive Summary:


On Tuesday, March 17, 2020, the Province of Ontario declared a state of emergency due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The emergency order forced many local businesses and public vehicle services to scale back operations and in some cases, close their doors. At the time of authoring this report, it is still unknown when the state of emergency will be lifted.