August 24, 2020

Council Meeting – Item 8.11

Additional Information

From: Angie LaMarre
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2020 12:00 PM
To: clerks <>
Cc: Mckenzie, Kieran <>
Subject: Council Meeting 08-24-2020 Rev LIP for Baseline Road Sewer/Drain Connections

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City Clerk’s Office

Re: Recommendation of a Revised Local Improvement Policy and Initiation of Construction of a Sanitary Sewer and Private Drain Connections on Baseline Road from 7th Concession Road to 8th Concession Road as a Local Improvement under this new policy – City Wide

Dear members of council,

I am a resident on Baseline Road and have concerns regarding File No: SW/13662 (Ref: SCM 237/2020 & Council Report S 60/2020).

Please send me a link to participate the meeting. I am willing to speak, if that is available.

Prior to November 2019, the private drain connection was between $700-800. The cost increased by over 300% (to $3200) one month before preparing this LIP. I think this amount of an increase is exorbitant and beyond any reasonable increase and justification in any business in this country especially in these times of economic uncertainty due to Covid-19. I am asking for an amendment to reduce the fee back to the pre-November amount given the close proximity of the increase to the LIP recommendations.

I would also like to see a motion passed on allowing residents to convert septic systems to groundwater management systems and that the costs to convert would be rolled into the 20 year payment option currently offered to decommission the septic system.

I do appreciate and thank council and administration for the extension of payment terms to 20 years, which will be much easier for families to accept this unplanned expense.

Thank you to our Councillor McKenzie for his efforts in answering questions and working for the residents on Baseline Road. I look forward to the meeting on Monday.

Kind Regards, Angie LaMarre