August 24, 2020

Council Meeting – Item 8.11

Additional Information

From: Bob Fletcher
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2020 8:28 AM
To: clerks <>
Cc: Mckenzie, Kieran <>
Subject: File No. SW/13662 Revised LUP for Baseline road Council meeting August 24, 2020 at 11:00am Importance: High

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Dear council members,

My name is Bob fletcher and I reside at 3950 Baseline Drive. Please register me as a delegate participating in the meeting. I do not plan to speak but will be on the presentations.

Consider this as a submission to the August 24, 2020 council meeting at 11:00am concerning the revised LIP for sanitary Sewer and private drain connections on Baseline Road.

Before I begin, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Kieran McKenzie for all his efforts in working for the residents on Baseline Road.

Submission recommendations to add to the revised LIP:

  1. Prior to last November the city charged $700.00 to do a private connection to the resident’s property line. Then you put an increase over 300% through to $3000.00 a month before preparing this LIP. I think this amount of an increase is exorbitant and beyond any reasonable increase and justification in any business in this country especially in these times of unemployment due to Covid-19.
    1. I am putting a request in for an amendment to reduce the fee back to $700.00 given the close proximity of the increase to the LIP recommendations.