August 24, 2020

Council Meeting – Item 7.3

Additional Information

August 20, 2020

Council Item August 24th - #7.3 Response to CQ 10-2019 Housing Development

To The Mayor and Members of City Council

I am writing this as a Ward 2 resident.

I believe that this report deserves to be publicly debated at a future council meeting. Support removal of the report from communications. It contains relevant information but needs to be taken further where the public can enter into the conversation.

There are a couple of points of interest that I would like to address.

Oshawa, Waterloo and Ottawa have implemented strategies to address student housing in their respective municipalities and Windsor should be moving in the same direction with more relevant communication with those citizens whose neighbourhoods and lifestyles are greatly affected. The above mentioned municipalities are continuing to update their strategies as needed. Windsor should at least start a meaningful conversation.

The report gives many cons with regards to not only addressing an effective strategy but also to the need for a Registered Rental License. There is another side to this – there are pros. A more balanced, detailed report needs to be presented to include both the pros and cons.

The conditions that students are forced to live in and the concerns of the neighbours really need to be addressed in a positive and proactive manner. I believe the tools to do this are available and through an open and honest debate, solutions can be found.

The conditions that students are forced to live in and the concerns of the neighbours really need to be addressed in a positive and proactive manner. I believe the tools to do this are available and through an open and honest debate, solutions can be found.

Respectfully submitted by

Mary Ann Cuderman