requirements for Phase 2 funding as we currently leverage the service of Metrolinx for our fleet purchases and the Transit Windsor Service Delivery review recommended the use of microtransit for some routes.

The final Phase 2 requirements are still being vetted and finalized by the province and are expected this fall. As additional clarity on reporting, eligible expenses and other required changes are provided by the province, Administration will work to gathering the necessary information to support a Phase 2 submission.

As noted in the table below, the necessary documentation and guidelines, required from the Ministry, on reporting of Phase 1 funding and justifying the need for Phase 2 additional municipal transit funding, has not yet been received. There is a strong possibility that there will be a very short turnaround time between receiving the Transfer Payment Agreement requirements for the Phase 2 funding requests and the date which the request must be submitted. As such, Administration is requesting the authority to submit for Phase 2 funding in this report to maximize the amount of time needed to provide a strong application for Phase 2 funding.

Municipal Transit System Stream
Milestone / Task Required Documentation Deadline
Funding Allocation Acknowledgement Signed Communication Letter from the Ministry of Transportation by the Municipal Treasurer September 11, 2020
Phase 1 reporting requirements provided Ministry to issue all documents, agreements and such required to secure and report on Phase 1 funding use. Anticipated by early September
2020 COVID-19Operating Costs andPressures Report*
  • Report on the use of Phase 1 funds
  • Forecast of eligible expenditures to March 31, 2021
October 30, 2020
Phase 2 Transfer Payment Agreement (TPA) Consultation
  • No reporting required
  • Preview of objectives that will govern Phase 2 TPA
  • Municipality requirements to achieve objectives and be considered for Phase 2 funding
Fall 2020
Phase 2 funding notification
  • Ministry to advise if Phase 2 funding is awarded
December, 31, 2020
2020 COVID-19Operating Costs andPressures Report
  • Provide details on the use of the provincial funding as well as provide all other information required as per the TPA
March 2021