Projected Cashflow and Commitments Q2 to Q4 (2020-21)

Activity Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total Number ofHouseholdsAssisted Number of units created/ renovated
Emergency Shelter Solutions(e.g., operating funding used for shelters, motels/hotels) $ $ $ $ # N/A
Housing with Related Supports(e.g., operating funding used for housing allowances) $ $ $ $ # N/A
Services and Supports(e.g., operating funding used for food security, cleaning, personal protective equipment, transportation) $ $ $ $ # N/A
Homelessness Prevention(e.g., operating funding for landlord outreach and mediation, shelter diversion programs) Do not include funds for emergency financial assistance in the form of payment of rental arrears or rent banks here; indicate below.* $ $ $ $ # N/A
*Homelessness Prevention – Rent relief (e.g., operating $ $ $ $ # N/A