1. Interpretation.

(1)    In this Schedule “A”, capitalized terms have the meaning given to them herein and the following terms shall have the following meanings:

“Intended Use” means the intended use of the Project once it is complete, as set out in the Project Information Form for the Project;

“Intended Use Period” means the minimum ten (10) year period following the date of the Project completion for new facilities or conversion Projects;

“Capital Component” means the Capital Component under the Program Guidelines and this Schedule “A”;

“Conditional Letter of Commitment” means a letter issued by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing confirming approval of a Project under the Capital Component subject to conditions;

“Contribution Agreement” means an agreement entered into by the Recipient and a Proponent for the construction, acquisition and/or rehabilitation of, or the conversion of a property into a Project and which shall set out the terms for a forgivable loan, including mortgage security;

“Development Activities” means those activities which are normally undertaken for the development, construction, rehabilitation or conversion of buildings for residential purposes, including the acquisition of property;

“Permitted Encumbrances” means (i) the construction, acquisition, rehabilitation and/or conversion financing in respect of the Project approved by the Recipient, (ii) if the Project is to be added to, or part of, a building with an existing mortgage, the existing mortgage on the building up to the amount owing under it prior to putting the construction, acquisition, rehabilitation and/or conversion financing in place (iii) any necessary easements for the supply of domestic utility or telecommunications services to the Project or adjacent properties, (iv) any necessary easements for drainage, storm or sanitary sewers, public utility lines, or other services which do not materially affect the use of the property as residential dwellings; (v) any registered municipal agreements and registered agreements with publicly regulated utilities providing such have been complied with, and (vi) any registered restrictions that run with the land providing such are complied with;

“Program” means the Social Services Relief Fund Phase 2 Program set out in the Program Guidelines, including this Schedule “A”;