of the acquisition of the building and/or any rehabilitation work required, the Service Manager must demonstrate the additional funding sources being accessed to complete the project.

Funding for conversion and other projects will be based on the following instalments:

  1. 50 per cent at signing of the Contribution Agreement and submission of mortgage security registration or alternate form of security that is acceptable to the ministry;

  2. 40 per cent at confirmation of 50 per cent construction completion; and

  3. Remaining upon confirmation of completion no later than December 31, 2021.

3.5.6 Reporting

Service Managers must complete a Project Information Form through the TPON System supplemented by regular milestone updates in TPON, along with detailed construction/acquisition/rehabilitation progress reports to MMAH contacts describing project progress and potential issues of concern that might delay or jeopardize the project.

Service Managers must also submit signed project checklists and documentation in the TPON System as follows:

Project Information Forms will require Service Managers to report on the following information for performance indicators:

Housing Type # facilities # units
Transitional housing    
Supportive housing    
Permanent, long-term housing    