Ongoing operating costs associated with capital projects will be the responsibility of Service Managers.

For-profit proponents may be eligible under the Retrofits and Upgrades component, however for-profit proponents are not eligible under the Capital Funding – New Facilities component.

3.3 Funding Commitment

Funding under the capital component must be committed by January 31, 2021 and must be spent by December 31, 2021. Details on commitment and spending requirements are provided under each capital component section.

Any funding remaining to be committed after January 31, 2021 may be reallocated to another Service Manager or Indigenous Program Administrator.

3.4 Return of Funding

All funding provided under the capital component that is not spent by December 31, 2021 or that is not used for an eligible capital expense under these Guidelines shall be returned to MMAH on demand. All remedies under these Program Guidelines shall survive any termination or expiry of the Program and/or funding for a project.

3.5 Capital Funding – New Facilities

3.5.1 General Eligible Activities and Costs

Eligible projects must be one of the following:

New conventional construction projects not currently under construction are not anticipated to be eligible given the timelines of SSRF Phase 2. However, these and other projects may be considered with supporting documentation, at the discretion of MMAH.