In the event of uncertainty regarding the eligibility of a specific expense, Service Managers are encouraged to contact MMAH staff to seek clarification. For contact information, please see the “MMAH Staff Contacts” section.

2.3 Operating Payments and Reporting

Following the approval of SSRF Phase 2 business cases, MMAH will provide an initial payment of up to 75 per cent of operating funding to Service Managers based on projections in their approved business cases.

A subsequent operating payment will be made following the submission and approval of the Interim Report and attestation.

Service Managers will be required to report on the data collected on specific performance indicators in year-end reports. For the operating component, the year-end report will capture information according to the requirements in the existing program agreement (e.g., by service category). Additionally, given the SSRF objectives, year-end reports will require information on the number of vulnerable households assisted by vulnerable population group.

MMAH reserves the right to request additional reporting as required.

2.4 Return of Funding

All eligible operating expenses must be spent by March 31, 2021.

All funding provided under the operating component that is not spent by March 31, 2021 or that is not used for an eligible expense under these Program Guidelines shall be returned to MMAH on demand.

All remedies under these Program Guidelines shall survive any termination or expiry of the Program.