However, no changes can be made between capital and operating components after January 31, 2021, except under exceptional circumstances.

1.5 Administration Fees

Service Managers will be permitted to use up to three (3) per cent of their approved funding allocation for administration costs.

Program administration costs may include costs for staff involved in the planning and administration of the program. It is expected that Service Managers will ensure that program administration funds are used efficiently.

Please note that costs for staff who directly deliver services to clients are not considered administration costs under the Program Guidelines. These costs are instead considered as eligible program operating costs and may be reported as such.

1.6 Accountability and Reporting

To help inform allocation of the “hold back”, Service Managers are required to submit an interim report by December 15, 2020 on use of SSRF Phase 2 funds and projected spending.

As part of the quarterly reporting requirements, Service Managers will be required to report actual expenditures for the previous financial quarter and revised projections for subsequent quarters by the relevant spending category by January 31, 2020.

In addition, for year-end reports, Service Managers will be required to report on the data collected on specific performance indicators.

Reporting under the SSRF Phase 2 will be separate from the reporting on base CHPI funding, as well as the initial SSRF funding and Temporary Pandemic Pay.

MMAH reserves the right to request additional reporting as required.

1.7 Audits and Reviews

The Service Manager shall support MMAH in exercising its rights to audit and inspect the Service Manager to ensure program funding is used in compliance with these Program Guidelines as is set out in section 17 of the Service Manager’s CHPI Transfer Payment Agreement, with the necessary changes.