Approximately 30 per cent of the funding set aside for Service Managers will be held back, to be allocated after the third quarter of the 2020-21 fiscal year. The ministry will determine how to allocate these funds based on how the public health situation unfolds in the coming months and interim reporting from Service Managers.

SSRF Phase 2 funding is in addition to Service Managers’ base CHPI funding. It is also in addition to funding provided under the Temporary Pandemic Pay Program and SSRF Phase 1.

This funding investment may be used to offset eligible costs incurred on or after July 2, 2020.

1.2 Reallocation

MMAH reserves the right to reallocate funding at its sole discretion based on: a review and evaluation of business cases, consideration of COVID-19 related needs and emerging public health emergencies across the province, and/or the Service Manager’s or Indigenous Program Administrator’s progress towards use of the SSRF Phase 2 allocations.

1.3 Business Case Submission

As mentioned above, Service Managers will be required to submit a business case to demonstrate how their initial planning allocations would be used.

The purpose of the business case process is as follows:

  1. To assess proposed uses of SSRF Phase 2 funding, in terms of eligibility under these Program Guidelines and alignment with local needs in their respective communities; and

  2. To help ensure that program delivery planning fulfills specific criteria and reflects consideration of intersecting service systems and issues.

The Business Case Template which includes the business case criteria is attached as Schedule “B”. The deadline to submit business cases to MMAH through the Transfer Payment Ontario (TPON) system is September 11, 2020.

MMAH will review and approve all or part of each business case with assistance from partner ministries, taking into consideration matters including community needs and spending forecasts, as well as to assess the proposed value for money. MMAH may