Schedule “B”

SSRF Phase 2 Business Case Template

Question 8 b) Response:

Please indicate the following:

  • How much SSRF Phase 2 funding will be allocated towards assisting renter households at risk of becoming homeless?
  • How many households do you estimate will be assisted given the potential rent arrears that may have accumulated in your service area?

Question 9

Please complete this section if proposing funding under the Capital Component. Please provide your best projected information below. Note: Capital projects are subject to final approval through the Project Information Form in TPON.

Please outline why your capital project(s) would be the best use of funds (e.g., availability of facility space in your community; rationale for renting versus owning a space to provide services; renovate/update, re-design, and new spacing within existing or new facilities to meet local public health requirements), and how program objectives will be met (e.g., assisting vulnerable people with long-term housing solutions).Please outline the following for each proposed project:

  • Specify the Capital Component
  • When proposed capital projects will be committed (refer to Program Guidelines for key dates)
  • Estimated timing for construction start/renovation work, and completion (refer to Program Guidelines for key dates)
  • Proposed funding amount and number of units created/ renovated per proposed capital project
  • How ongoing operating costs related to the capital project(s) will be addressed, and note if you are working with partners regarding obtaining and/or developing facility space (e.g., Infrastructure Ontario; interested proponents; local service agencies)