Schedule “B”

SSRF Phase 2 Business Case Template

Question 5 Response:  

Question 6

Please describe how your SSRF Phase 2 funding would be used to meet the critical and diverse needs of clients in your communities (including Indigenous communities, clients discharged from correctional facilities, youth, seniors, and other vulnerable population groups). For more information about vulnerable population groups, please see pages 3-4. 

Question 6 Response: 

Question 7

Please provide the following information:

  • How is your initial planning allocation anticipated to be used in each fiscal quarter (Q2 to Q4 in 2020-21). Please indicate your anticipated cashflow for operating expenses and capital commitments in the chart below.
  • Note: Operating cash flow will be advanced based on need up to 75% of your operating allocation for your first payment;
  • The anticipated number of households to be assisted;
  • The anticipated number of capital spaces/facilities to be created/retrofitted;