Schedule “B”

SSRF Phase 2 Business Case Template

questions during the review process, if applicable, confirmation of the initial planning allocation, and flowing of funds as originally communicated in the Minister’s allocation letter.

Needs More Detail:

Responses partially address the information requested in each question, and partially demonstrate a link to the “Key Areas of Consideration for Business Case Submissions”. Some evidence is provided to reinforce each response (e.g., reference to a source document), however not a complete amount. Evaluators have some follow-up questions for the Service Manager. The end result of a business case which needs more detail is to seek more information and clarification during the review process from the Service Manager prior to flowing funds as originally communicated in the Minister’s allocation letter.


Responses do not satisfactorily address the information requested in each question, and do not demonstrate a compelling link to the “Key Areas of Consideration for Business Case Submissions”. Little to no evidence is provided to reinforce each response (e.g., reference to a source document). Evaluators have a significant number of follow-up questions for the Service Manager. The end result of an unsatisfactory business case is to seek more information and clarification during the review process from the Service Manager and consider adjusting the initial planning allocation.

Business Case Questions

In responding to the questions below, Service Managers encouraged to make references to:

Please be clear and concise in your responses in the business case in order to minimize the amount of follow-up required. If more space is required, a separate document may be submitted as an appendix to the business case submission. The level of detail required in responding to each question will depend on the type and scale of activities being proposed. For example, fewer details would be needed to propose operating expenses being used to expand existing services for vulnerable people, in comparison to a new and/or large-scale capital expense (e.g., acquisition and modular housing) being proposed.