Schedule “B”

SSRF Phase 2 Business Case Template


Thank you for your interest in participating in the Social Services Relief Fund (SSRF) Phase 2 initiative. As noted in the initial planning allocation letter from The Honourable Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Service Managers are required to submit a business case to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) prior to funding being flowed.

The purpose of the business case process is as follows:

  1. To assess Service Managers’ proposed uses of SSRF Phase 2 funding, in terms of eligibility under Program Guidelines, and alignment with local needs in their respective communities; and

  2. To ensure that Service Managers’ program delivery planning fulfills specific criteria and reflects consideration of intersecting service systems and issues (see Questions on pages 6-16).

Please submit your completed business case to MMAH by September 11, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. Business cases must be submitted through the Transfer Payment Ontario (TPON) system.

Please note, MMAH is not prescribing a specific level of authority to approve business cases. Service Managers should follow their respective organization’s approval process to approve the business case, prior to submitting it to the Ministry. Please also note that Service Manager approval does not guarantee that the business case will be satisfactory to meet the objectives for additional funding.

The level of detail required in responding to each question should be scaled against the types of activities being proposed. For example, fewer details would be needed to propose operating expenses being used to expand existing services for vulnerable people, in comparison to a new and large-scale capital expense (e.g., acquisition or modular housing) being proposed.

MMAH staff will review all business cases received by the deadline with colleagues from the following ministries: Attorney General (MAG); Government and Consumer Services (MGCS); Solicitor General (SOLGEN); Children, Community, and Social Services (MCCSS); Health (MOH); Indigenous Affairs (IAO); and Infrastructure Ontario (IO).

This inter-ministerial approach aims to encourage a diversity of perspectives when reviewing submissions, and to ensure that business cases are consistent with key areas of focus across the health, housing and homelessness, and social services sectors. For more information about the Key Areas of Consideration, please see pages 3-4.